Rise Against - Live at Virgin Festival Vancouver, May 20, 2007 [Video] (Re-uploaded)

05 agosto 2010


Resolucion: 608 x 448
Tamaño: 700 MB
Duración: 00:41:57
Formato de Audio: MPEG Layer-3
Compresion de video: DIVX
FPS: 29 Frames/Segundo


1 Chamber The Cartridge
2- Give it all
3- Behind Closed Doors
4- Heaven Knows
5- Injection
6- The Good Left Undone
7- Like the angel
8- Ready To Fall
9- Minor Threat (Minor Threat Cover)
10- Drones
11- Dancing For Rain
12- Prayer Of The Refugee

Download: Here

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

can you please upload again?